Expert's Blog
The Expert's Blog features current agronomy information and local resources, updated regularly by the ICI team.

The importance of in-furrow phosphorus
The popularity of liquid fertilizers continues to increase, and in particular the use of liquids for in-furrow and 2x2 placement when planting.

5 Must’s for a Successful 2021 Season
The most important pass over the field each year is the one with your planter/seeder! Harvest gets you the crop in the bin, but that first pass sets you up for success more than anything else.

The Agtech Adoption Dilemma: Irrigation
Why everything you think you know about irrigation technology is wrong, and what to do about it

Bio-Optimize Your Yields!
Each season delivers unique crop conditions and an opportunity to really drive yield and profitability for all farmers in southern Alberta.

Profitable Potato Farming
When it comes to profitable potato farming, there are certain things a producer can’t control — like weather and markets — but there are also plenty of things he can.

Canada's Premier Food Corridor
If you are in the business of food - you should be here!